Yesterday, 17/03/2015 was possible to see Northern Lights in all Finland, including Helsinki. This is very rare, normally you can see northern lights only in the north of Finland.
I was coming back home from work when suddenly I saw something green in the sky, at the beginning I thought it was a cloud, the light was very weak so it was not so clear what was it. I got into my house and check my facebook, a friend of mine posted that she saw a northern light just few seconds ago, so I decided to wear some more warm clothes and go out to see them too. The best place to see northern lights is at the top of a hill, where there is not much artificial lights. I went to the lake and waited there until I could see them. It was quite cold outside but it worth it, I can´t described what I saw. At the beginning it was just a weak light on the sky, but later on it got bigger and brighter. There was a moment where all the sky was completely green. Just amazing, sadly my phone´s camera couldn´t take any picture.
Next morning my facebook was full of comments and pictures about the northern lights night, the best way of see northern lights is through a good camera, your eyes can´t see properly all the colours.
Is such a big coincidence that same day was St Patrick´s Day in Ireland, it seems that Ireland and Finland agreed with the colour of the day!!