martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

Multicultural Festival in Helsinki


Last weekend was the multicultural festival in Helsinki. I took the bus on Saturday at 10 am to Helsinki, and around 11:30 we reached Helsinki city. I know is quite early to go to a festival but that was the time that fit me the most, I am a huge fan of Eurovision and I didn´t wanted to miss it.
The festival was full of tents with information about Europe, languages courses, non governmental organizations asking for money for the underdeveloped countries, there were also tents selling handmade things and so on.

I had two favourites tents, one was the vegan tent where you could get lot of  information about how to become a vegan, the sad thing was that all the information was in finnish, but I can use google translate. And my second favourite the nutrition tent, the girl was explaining us how to eat properly, I find it out very interesting and useful, but again same problem as before it was only in finnish, luckily the girl spoke well English, now I will follow her tips to have a healthier lifestyle. 

There was also many restaurants from Africa, Thailand, India and Brasil, and surprise surprise!! couple of vegan restaurants too.
In the middle of the festival there was a huge circus tent, with more things to see and many free things, spaniards are crazy for free things, I got many candies, bags, almond milk, stickers....I have no idea what I will do with all the items I took.
And the best of all the concerts!!! This time was different, there was finnish singers but also foreigners so I could understand what the songs were about.
The weather was lovely, not too cold not too hot and the people were enjoying a lot as I did. 

martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

gender violence event

It has been a month since last time I wrote a post in my blog, I have being very busy lately. Luckily I got some free time and I am back!!!
Today I will talk about something that concerns all of us, gender violence.The number of victims who suffer gender violence has increased in the last  years, in Spain the number of victims that have died during this year is  45 women, the Baltic countries are on top of the list, in Finland the 20% of Finns women had suffered gender violence. Is quite interesting that the countries with higher education are the ones that have more cases of gender violence, how is this possible?
We must start teaching the respect for each other since childhood, and also teach them what gender violence is. Thousands of teenagers don´t even noticed that they have been manipulated for each couples, gender violence is not only phisically is also mentally. We must do something soon or the number of victims will keep increasing.
Last week I participated in an event against gender violence, the name of the event was "Vahvat ei kiusaa" and  there were many exhibition about arts martial, the instructors were teaching the youngster how to defend themselves against the aggressor and showing some basic moves for beginners. 
There was also videos about gender violence cases and what the victims could do to stop them, there was also many information about who to contact in case you are suffering any kind of aggression. I think those kind of events are very usefull for concerning the youngster about this topic and also for giving them the courage to speak out loud about gender violence in case they know a friend or relative that is suffering any kind of abuse.
My task was walking around giving balloons to the participants and talking with the youngster, it was a bit exhausting job but I really had fun.