miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014


Today i will talk about the protests, as everyone know a protest is  an expression of objection by words or by actions.
Nowadays many European countries are having huge financial troubles, so the governments are force to cut down their budgets, reducing public services such as education, health, scholarships and so on....  Last Monday I attended my first protest in Finland. The Major of the city wants to translate one of the most important multicultural centers to a smaller place, far away from the center and the building where will be locate is in worse conditions, this measure is  to safe money. In this article I will analyze the differences between the protest in Finland and in Spain.
In both cases banners have powerful messages and in different languages.
In the case of Spain the protest are more noise, people are yelling and playing drums and singing around the city, in Finland is more like an spectacle with dances and music but not so much people shouting. In Finland the protesters are concentrated at the main place, what I mean with this is that if you are protesting against the major decisions, all the protesters will meet at the City Hall, in Spain the protesters go around the main places in the city and the protest end when the police decide.
The biggest difference was the presence of the police, while in Spain there is hundred of polices following the protesters, in Finalnd there was not any police around.
Even though the intention of the spanish protesters are pacific, most of it end up with big fights between polices and protesters, this picture was taken in one of the last protest in Madrid, in Finland protest are very peaceful and respectful.

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